Wednesday 9 April 2014

Savoury Baking Club Treats

Ok, this post, I think, brings us up to date with all the photos from our baking club meetings so far.  The Theme in January was "savoury" after all the indulgence at Christmas we thought I taste buds needed a break and it was a quiet turnout at baking club following festivities and winter colds doing the rounds.......I may make my planned feta and beetroot muffins this month for "vegetable theme"

Chocolate Baking Ideas for Easter

Even posting these pictures brings back the feeling of the sugar rush and something I never thought was possible to think I'd eaten too much chocolate!  As a result this was the first night we forgot to take "doggy bags" home with us. 

 Beetroot and Chocolate Muffins 

 Bella's Chilli and Chocolate Cake

 Jonathan's Cadburys Creme Egg Brownie

 Chocolate Brownies

Chocolate Cake

 Maggie's Chocolate Cheesecake

 Chocolate Biscuits 

Gemma's Dairy Free Chocolate Cake

 Chocolate Hot Cross Buns

 Joe's Chocolate Orange Butterfly Cakes 

Emma's Cookie and Cream Cupcakes (from the Primrose Bakery Cookbook, there's a great link for it here: cookies-and-cream-cupcakes

Hope your eyes are ready for all the delightful "Easter themed" bakes from last month........

Jane's various crispy cakes made with Cornflakes, Shredded Wheat, Coco Pops, Chocolate Raisins and Mini Eggs

Maggie's Easter Biscuits in bunny and chick shapes 

Bella's Carrot Cake with Honey

Rob's Chocolate Cupcakes

Jonathan's Simnel Cake 

 Joe's Chocolate Tart

 A twist on Hot Cross Buns, Sundried Tomato, Bacon and Cheese Hot Cross Buns

Finally a use the rabbit shaped Wilton pan in garage, Bunny shaped Carrot Cake

Hopefully over the next couple of week's we'll add the recipes so that you can try them at home if we've inspired you to get baking.

Is our baking club for you?

We meet about once a month at Kesgrave Library to share home made baked goodies.  None of us are professional bakers, although some have more years experience of baking than others.  Joe has come a long way since our first meeting and his famous chocolate covered frosties!  There are male and female members and if you come along once and its not for you we won't pressure you to return.

Two of our members met over Twitter wishing there was a baking club locally where we could escape "being mum" for a couple of hours and eat cake without having to share it with our little ones and so the baking club was born.

We've had various themed meetings but the chocolate themed meeting in March was pure over indulgence which explains the vegetable theme this month.  We are a bit behind in updating the blog, family life and winter coughs and colds have got in the way as they so often do, but today I'm uploading the pictures of the yummy bakes to share with you and promise we'll get better at sharing the recipes and dates of our meetings.

Our Next Meeting.......

We are meeting in Kesgrave Library on Thursday 1 May at 7pm.  Come along and share your favourite home made "vegetable themed" baked goodies. 

Monday 10 February 2014

Our next meeting is on Thursday 27th February in Kesgrave Library at 7pm.

The theme decided on this month is chocolate.  Simply bake a chocolate item of choice, it can be anything you like, bring it along to share with new friends with a copy of the recipe.  Admission free this month as there will also be a Chocolate Party on in the library.  Drinks £1.00. 

Anyone is welcome to join us as long as you bring along a home baked item.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday 23 January 2014

November & December's Bake Clubs

Pictures of our recent bakes from the past two months bake club:

Pumpkin Cake


Chocolate Layered Cake

Plaited Bread and Rolls

Chocolate Cake

Lemon Drizzle Cake

Victoria Sponge

Cheese Tear and Share Bread

Coconut and Cherry Bites

Mincemeat Flapjacks

Mincemeat Brownies 

Shortbread Stars

Turkey & Cranberry Rolls

Rum & Raisin Fudge

Corned Beef Pastries 

Chocolate Orange Brioche

Decembers table of goodies! 

Saturday 18 January 2014

Date for your baking diaries.....

Our next meeting is on Thursday 30 January at 7pm in Kesgrave Library.

The theme decided on this month is savoury bakes.  Simply bake a savoury item of choice, it can be anything you like, bring it along to share with new friends with a copy of the recipe.  Admission is £2.00 which includes tea/coffee.  Proceeds from the baking club are used to support projects at Kesgrave Library.

Anyone is welcome to join us as long as you bring along a home baked item.

We look forward to seeing you there!